Tuesday 27 November 2018

2018 is a Milestone Year for Burma Task Force

2018 is a Milestone Year –
Says Burma Task Force (BTF)

Dr. Mozammel Haque

Among the terrible and horrific atrocities happenings to Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar, there are some hopes and green light at the end of the tunnel. Burma Task Force (BTF) is one of the few campaigns devoted to raising awareness and advocating full time to stop the genocide against the Rohingya Muslims.

As the year of 2018 is nearing to close, it is necessary to try to understand the situation of Rohingya Muslims. Burma Task Force has given the latest updates of their activities and achievements.  According to Burma Task Force (BTF): As we close in on the last leg of 2018,  it is worth noting what your help for Rohingyas has achieved.  2018 has been a milestone year for Burma Task Force that has seen many breakthroughs. Alhamdu lillah, thanks to Muslims working together we have achieved many things this year.”

“Some of them include:

* US contributed $360 million to Rohingya refugees, increasing it from $30 million
* Canada's declaration of "genocide" marked the first country out of 196 countries to officially determine that it is as genocide.
* Canada also gave $80 million and committed $100 million for each of the next 3 years.
* Canada, thanks to your efforts, also took away the honorary citizenship of Suu Kyi
* The U.S. State Department released its most scientifically rigorous report on the Rohingya genocide.
* Visits of 100+ advocates to 60 Senators and representatives on the Rohingya lobby day
* An interfaith delegation of Christians, Buddhist, Jews and Muslims to the Rohingya camps and creation of the Faith Coalition
* Working with a human rights barrister with 10 year experience at the International Criminal Court, Burma Task Force filed on behalf of the Rohingya victims of Tula Toli at the ICC.
* Breakthrough relationship with Evangelical Christians to support Rohingya positions working with Fox TV & Christian Broadcasting Corporation
* The genocide must be stopped. Rohingyas must not be forced into the genocide zone of Burma. Full sanctions on Burma worked in the past. They will work again,” the press report mentioned.

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